Celebrating Excellence in Bookselling

Discover how we honor bookstores that inspire communities, foster a love for reading, and champion literacy through the Booksellers Choice Awards.

Celebrating Excellence in Bookselling

Explore our key achievements and data-driven insights into literacy promotion.


Awarded Stores

A spotlight on the number of exceptional bookstores recognized this year.


Participating Cities

The total cities represented in our awards program, fostering literacy globally.


Community Votes

Highlighting the immense community support through votes cast for nominees.


Events Hosted

Showcasing the total number of literacy-focused events hosted by our partners.

Celebrating Excellence in Bookselling

We honor exceptional bookstores that champion literacy, showcasing their dedication to inspiring readers and fostering a love for books in communities worldwide.

The Booksellers Choice Awards have truly elevated our visibility and recognized our hard work in advancing literacy.

Alex Morgan

Bookstore Owner

Celebrating Outstanding Bookstores Advancing Literacy

Explore impactful statistics that showcase key achievements and industry milestones.


Award Winners

Honoring the excellence of bookstores making a difference in literacy.


Books Donated

Highlighting the significant number of books shared with communities.


Events Hosted

Showcasing the remarkable efforts in organizing literacy-focused events.


Explore insightful articles, industry trends, and inspiring stories that celebrate outstanding booksellers and their contributions to literacy.